Your membership and donations fund the journal.
All activities of the Philosophy of Physics Society are provided at no cost to readers or to the community. This includes the management and publication of the open access journal Philosophy of Physics through the LSE Press, Instead, we fund our activities through submission fees, membership, and charitable donations. Your membership as a philosopher of physics is what makes our efforts possible.
Membership in the Philosophy of Physics Society is open and encouraged for everyone in the international community of researchers and students in the history, philosophy and foundations of physics.
Benefits of Membership
Join Now
Membership is open to anyone with an appropriate university affiliation, including a university email address. However, exceptions are possible at the discretion of the Trustees. If you are a member of the international community of researchers working in the history, philosophy and foundations of physics and do not have a university email address, feel free to contact us to request an exception.
Our rates are priced to be as inclusive as possible. We give low-income members of the community the opportunity to join at very low rates, while allowing members that enjoy institutional research allowances to support the Society and journal at an appropriate rate.
If our rates are a burden for you, please contact us to explain your situation. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.
Institutionally Supported
- Tenure-track, tenured, or other employed academic status with research budget to cover membership
No Institutional Support
- Tenure-track, tenured, or other employed academic status without research budget to cover membership
Postdoc, Fellow, Adjunct
- Low-wage academics and academics in temporary posts, with or without access to a research budget
Student or Unwaged
- Graduate students, unemployed, and unwaged academics, with or without access to a research budget
Your Donations Matter
When you join the Philosophy of Physics Society as a paying member, you are offered the opportunity to ‘Make a Gift’ with your membership payment.

Your donations help to support our ability to keep the journal running and still include less privileged students and researchers around the world, who could not otherwise afford membership fees. Thank you to all of our donors. Your generosity really makes a difference.