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The Journal Philosophy of Physics

The Philosophy of Physics Society manages the discipline’s flagship journal Philosophy of Physics, published open access on behalf of the Society by the LSE Press. The journal operates a high-quality double-blind referee system to support the choice of articles for publication.

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The current Editor-in-Chief is David Wallace (University of Pittsburgh), and the Associate Editors are Katherine Brading (Duke) and Hans Halvorson (Princeton).

The inaugural Editorial Board is: Valia Allori, Robert Batterman, Gordon Belot, Jeremy Butterfield, Sean Carroll, Elena Castellani, Doreen Fraser, Stephan Hartmann, Jenann Ismael, Eleanor Knox, James Ladyman, Dennis Lehmkuhl, Matthew Leifer, Chuang Liu, Olimpia Lombardi, Kerry McKenzie, Wayne Myrvold, Alyssa Ney, John Norton, Carlo Rovelli, Laura Ruetsche, Simon Saunders, Orly Shenker, James Weatherall, Charlotte Werndl, Alastair Wilson, Christian Wuthrich.

The journal officially launched for submissions on 21 November 2022: read Editor in Chief David Wallace’s blog post about the launch. Please make sure you register as a member of the Society before submitting. A link to the submission portal is provided inside the members area. We look forward to receiving your manuscript.

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What is Open Access?

Traditional journals are owned by for-profit international publishing houses, which often charge university libraries exorbitant fees out of line with the non-profit values of many universities and educators.

Our journal is different. We publish on an open access model, which in short means that all our published articles are online and free to download, rather than hidden behind a paywall, and protected by a Creative Commons copyright licence. This leads to greater visibility, and greater accessibility to a broader international community of readers than would be possible through traditional publishing.

A Membership-Funded Journal

In order to make publication possible, the funding for online publication, copy-editing, and typesetting has to come from somewhere. On our model, this is primarily funded by membership fees.

Our fees are set on a tiered structure to make membership as accessible as possible: for example, it is free for students and unwaged researchers, and £10/year for postdocs.

The majority of the fee support comes from researchers with research budgets that can be used to support Society memberships, such as from their university department or from a large grant.

Submission of articles for consideration in the journal is then free for all the Society’s members, and costs £20 per submission for non-members. We thank all philosophers of physics who join the Society: our operation would be impossible without your support.