Eligibility and Termination

A member of the community of researchers of the history, philosophy or foundations of physics is eligible to join the Philosophy of Physics Society only if they are over 18 and have either (i) an appropriate academic affiliation, or (ii) submitted a request that was approved by the Trustees to join the Society without such an affiliation.

The Society may refuse an application for membership if they deem an applicant for membership to not meet the criteria for membership, and will inform the applicant of this decision in writing.

The Society reserves the right to terminate the membership of any individual at any time if they are deceased, if the individual’s payment is declined, if the individual is found not to satisfy the requirements of membership above, or if the trustees resolve that termination of the individual’s membership is in the best interests of the Society.

Retention of Data

By joining the Philosophy of Physics Society, an individual agrees to the retention of the data that they provide for the Society’s register, including their name, email address, country of residence, and university affiliation, and to the display on a members-only membership directory of their name, membership level, affiliation, and (if provided) their website and avatar. This data will be automatically deleted upon termination of an individual’s membership. Individuals who join the Society more generally agree to the use of their data as described in detail in the Society’s Privacy Policy.